Theological meditation on the transhumanist promise of human enhancement
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Human enhancement, a principle promulgated by transhumanism and supported by rapid advances in technology, hints at the transition from Homo sapiens to Homo deus since, along with overcoming somatic and mental limitations, it promises the reach of immortality. Such a promise is fascinating to some, but disturbing to others, because it denials human finiteness. This article presents a theological meditation on human enhancement implications, making it clear that Christian perfection of the Gospel, “Be perfect as your Father is perfect” (Matthew 5, 48), does not coincide with transhumanist perfection, which responds more to techno-anthropocentric and neoagnostic criteria. An attempt to answer the question about what the most sophisticated man-machine cannot have will look at communion, interiority, wisdom, love, and spirituality as properly human notes.
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