Logos, sarx and agape - Theological and pastoral perspectives for nowadays
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From the growing plurality present in today's societies, this article draws attention to the place of theology. From a theological-pastoral reading of Logos, sarx and Agape, it aims to open perspectives to understand theology and pastoral action in an integral and integrative way. In this way, we will present ways of doing and thinking about these two areas without merging them, nor leading to antagonistic and/or opposing paths. Theology is presented here as an area of knowledge at the service of the Logos and, in this sense, it is possible to create spaces and interconnections between it and Pastoral action –being here the core of Theology as sarx–. Based on concrete examples, we will understand to what extent the essence of theology –Logos– and theological praxis –sarx– are currently assumed as a manifestation of the Agape, both for believers and non-believers.
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