Mainstream vs. heterodox approaches on the colonization of the American West for religious and ideological enterprises
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This is a critical-hermeneutical and historical-comparative study of Political Economy, Economic History and Social Thought, applying heterodox approaches, to review the process of colonization of the American West and refute the mainstream view based on reductionism and the assumption of a set of errors. Attention is paid here to the importance of the religious and ideological factor, systematizing the diversity of private colonial companies, promoters of communitarian farms and workshops, which facilitated the development and integration of the country. Its management is compared in terms of efficiency and sustainability. In this way, it is possible to explain the paradox of American utopias, according to which the last companies to be established, which were the ideological ones, despite having more capital, were the first to become extinct, while the religious ones reached the second industrial revolution and some until today.
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