The Metaphysical Diaspora: Epigones of the nooúmenon and Physiognomy of Terror

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Vicente Llamas Roig


The oblivion of nooúmenon opens the custodian píthos of the absolute, a peril that haunts the Promethean man since the theft of divine fire (defying the gods by stealing fire and giving it to humanity in a form of civilization-technology). Broken the ovoid vessel, this being the Vernunfwesen, a retentive illusion of the lethal power irradiated by the absolute, it spills over, drowning reason itself. If the dream of reason produces monsters and its insomnia engenders nooúmena, deceptive traps to confine them, the delirium of a self-absorbed reason, supporting within itself the shapeless weight of the absolute, orphaned by ghostly entia rationis in order to contain its violent immanence, often ends in the Terror. Two dramatic episodes shake the European scene during the bourgeois hegemony: the Jacobin Reign of Terror (la Terreur, and its subsequent period: White Terror, the Thermidorian Reaction that takes power after the discredit and fall of Robespierre in July 1794) tarnishes the secular age of the self, linked to the demented homicidal logic of the absolute spirit, claiming to overcome any duality. The Aryan Terror, gestated in the Faustian pact of cold life, unleashes the injurious semantics of horror that tear apart the human being, destructuring it in pale determinants of existence (the thanatic ontic of a deranged Dasein). This essay is to explore its paths, digging into the debris of the nooúmenon.


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Llamas Roig, V. (2024) “The Metaphysical Diaspora: Epigones of the nooúmenon and Physiognomy of Terror”, Carthaginensia, 39(76), pp. 557–593. doi: 10.62217/carth.558.


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