The first topicality of the phenomenon according to Jean-Luc Marion: donation, possibility, and excess

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Manuel Porcel Moreno


This paper intends to show how the notion of the saturated phenomenon is a major provocation for phenomenology and contemporary theology. Starting from the analysis that the French philosopher proposes of this first cliché of the phenomenon in Étant donné ( 1997) and De surcroît ( 2001), from the subsequent criticisms it receives and from the reply to them in his text La banalité de la saturation collected in his work Le visible et le révélé (2005), we will conclude by affirming that only these paradoxical phenomena, which are shown in the measure in which they are first given, definitively establish the truth of all phenomenality precisely because they point to the donation from which they come. We will also argue that the inclusion of the notion of saturated phenomena in the field of phenomenology and theology opens a new horizon that allows us to enrich, illuminate and resize from a new perspective certain phenomenon that had been excluded until now.


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Porcel Moreno, M. (2025) “The first topicality of the phenomenon according to Jean-Luc Marion: donation, possibility, and excess”, Carthaginensia, 41(79), pp. 243–286. doi: 10.62217/carth.651.
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