The Poor in the work of Cyprian of Carthage
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The aim of this paper is to explore the role of the poor through the different writings preserved in the work of Cyprian of Carthage. To this end, an in-depth survey will be made of the main traces of writings referring to orphans, widows, the dying and the needy in general, on whom the Carthaginian bishop had a collective influence through his vast oeuvre, starting firstly with his letters to the most important members of the Catholic Church in the 3rd century, and subsequently moving on to apparently less known works, such as De Opere et eleemosynis or De Mortalitate. These are all writings which, in spite of drawing directly from the historical context of persecution carried out against Christians by the Roman Empire, contain testimonies of the attitude of Christians to the outbreak of a plague which devastated the Roman orb for ten long years.
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