Energy and environment. A look at the Encyclical Laudato Si'

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Claudio César Calabrese
Fernando Brambila
Eduardo de la Vega Segura
Anthony Torres Hernandez


Our work raises the aspects that we consider to be central to the Encyclical, especially the unity between economy-society-ecology, taking as a central idea the notion of "ecological conversion" and, from this, the limits of growth of a civilization fundamentally based on oil. This is because consumption levels will quickly meet the barrier of nature itself, since humanity will have consumed most of the fossil fuels by the end of the 21st century. It is, in short, the exhaustion of an ideal of science and progress that has failed to keep the promises of the enlightened model in which it was born. In this context, we present the ecological catastrophes caused by oil spills in the last decade and the positive and negative aspects of the latest oil extraction procedures; Despite these efforts and the integration of renewable energies, ecology in a Christian key requires an interior renewal that leads to a fuller awareness of man as a collaborator and custodian of creation.


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How to Cite
Calabrese, C. C. (2025) “Energy and environment. A look at the Encyclical Laudato Si’”, Carthaginensia, 38(73), pp. 187–204. doi: 10.62217/carth.291.


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