The Concept as Semantic Habit in William of Ockham. The Nominalist Logic in the Theory of the Natural Sign in the 14th Century

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Jean Paul Martinez


This article analyses the nature of the concept as semantic habit in William of Ockham’s work. The study of the theory of concept of the 14th century Franciscan thinker addresses three aspects: first, the contemporary ontological and logical-semantic positions on Ockham’s nature of the concept. Second, analysis of the extensional denotation and the theory of the natural sign. Third, the semantic examination of the nature of the concept to understand it as semantic habit.


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Martinez, J. P. (2024) “The Concept as Semantic Habit in William of Ockham. The Nominalist Logic in the Theory of the Natural Sign in the 14th Century”, Carthaginensia, 40(78), pp. 481–503. doi: 10.62217/carth.533.


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