The Good Samaritan and the proximity of the wounded: the contribution of the beginning of Christianity to human flourishing

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Carlos Gil Arbiol


In recent years there is a flowering of studies on "good living" or "well-being" (or "human flourishing") that recovers some questions and concerns pursued by philosophers such as Aristotle, Democritus or Zeno. The nascent Christianity, in the context of the Judaism at the end of the Second Temple period, offers a genuine and radical contribution based on the teaching and life of Jesus of Nazareth. His memory, collected in various texts from the first century AD, proposes a "blessed" and "neighboring" life that is paradoxical and innovative. This article explores how the beatitudes and the parable of the Good Samaritan contribute to the modern conception of a happy life.


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Gil Arbiol, C. (2024) “The Good Samaritan and the proximity of the wounded: the contribution of the beginning of Christianity to human flourishing”, Carthaginensia, 40(77), pp. 1–23. doi: 10.62217/carth.581.


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