The Decline of metaphysics in the 21st century: from Aristotle and Plato


  • José Antonio García Lorente Universidad de Murcia



Plato, Aristote, Metaphisics, Posmodernity, Post-truth


This article presents the decline of metaphysics in the 21st century. In order to do so, the author compiles the main nucleus of the metaphysics of Plato and Aristotle. Next, the pillars on which the decline of metaphysics is based are shown, taking into account the context of Postmodernity. Finally, it is examined if metaphysics is undeniable, that is, if it can be renounced, considering the motivations of a post-metaphysical culture. The aim of this article is to demonstrate if it is possible to continue doing metaphysics today, a post-truth era.


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2023-07-18 — Updated on 2024-01-25


How to Cite

García Lorente, José Antonio. (2023) 2024. “The Decline of Metaphysics in the 21st Century: From Aristotle and Plato”. Carthaginensia 39 (76):595-618.

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