On the Sacred and the Poetic-Anthropological Dimension of Speech

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Jon Mentxakatorre Odriozola


The following text analyses de dialogue among Plato, Aristotle, Humboldt and Heidegger on the same the basis of speech and its anthropological dimension, based on selected works on philosophy of language. The paper shows the inner tradition of reading of their texts and the conclusions of the development of the philosophical thinking through them. The text opens new paths of research through the depth that the human being and the word show on the beauty and the sacred.


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How to Cite
Mentxakatorre Odriozola, J. (2024) “On the Sacred and the Poetic-Anthropological Dimension of Speech”, Carthaginensia, 40(77), pp. 293–303. doi: 10.62217/carth.450.
Notas y Comentarios


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