André de Muralt’s View on the Influence of Medieval Theology in the Historical Evolution of Metaphysical Thinking
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This paper aims to show a view of the evolution of metaphysical thinking based on André de Muralt’s work. This view differentiates two main periods in the history of metaphysics: the ancient and medieval one and the modern and contemporary. The first period is founded on Platonic and Aristotelian different solutions to the Parmenidean impossibility of metaphysics, and falls into crisis with the limitations imposed to metaphysical thinking by the XIV century critical theology. The second period presents two parallel lines: the one who, based on Duns Scot’s presuppositions, finds itself in the impossibility of getting over them; and the one who, accepting William of Ockham’s conclusions, declares the complete impossibility of metaphysics. Both lines converge, in the second half of XX century, in the same postmetaphysical age.
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- Instituto Teológico de Murcia OFM
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