Divine Filiation in Saint Francis and its consequences in the «Rule and Life» of the Friars Minor

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Marta Garre Garre


The key to understanding how St. Francis lives his filial relationship lies in Jesus' experience of God as Father.

The incarnation of the son, keeping in mind the balance between the two natures of Christ, as contemplated in the prologue and the Gospel of St. John, is another key element for a correct understanding of the theological foundation of the fraternity founded by St. Francis. Hence, the "rule and life" of the Friars Minor is modeled after the life of Jesus, Mary, his mother and his first disciples.

St. Francis unites the mission with the following of Jesus. For this reason he absolutizes the life of Jesus and tries to penetrate his identity by following his deeds and conforming himself to his attitudes. For this reason, the fraternity of St. Francis reflects the community structure of Jesus and the community of Jerusalem.


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Garre Garre, M. (2023) “Divine Filiation in Saint Francis and its consequences in the «Rule and Life» of the Friars Minor”, Carthaginensia, 39(75). doi: 10.62217/carth.453.


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