Which freedom and which religion? Anthropo-theological considerations on religious freedom

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João Duque


Starting from a brief comparison between the declaration Dignitatis Humanae and the document of the International Theological Commission on Religious Freedom (2020), the article intends to discuss the current meaning of religious freedom, in an environment of strong transformation of religious experiences. In this environment, the discussion on the notion of freedom serves as inspiration for a criterion of distinction between the various more or less sacralizing religious experiences. From a possible relationship between freedom and religion, the notion of “religion of freedom” is reached, which will condition not only the religious experience, but also a deep meaning of religious freedom.


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How to Cite
Duque, J. (2024) “Which freedom and which religion? Anthropo-theological considerations on religious freedom”, Carthaginensia, 40(78), pp. 429–443. doi: 10.62217/carth.579.


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