Intuitions of philosophical ethics of Pope Francis: an overall look
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Pope Francis is not a philosopher, the proposals of his magisterium are not ethical, but moral; but he deepens them from a sincerely intellectual self-awareness, in such a way that intuitions of philosophical ethics can be found in them. Bergoglio's ethical insights form a prism whose vertices are: evangelical eudaemonism; a realism foreign to legalisms; an understanding of the moral subject configured in the dialogical-fraternal transcendence with the other; open in the contemplative gaze to the natural; who finds in the mercy with which he suffers the actual dimension of his life and his truth. His faith and the historical situations he has faced have been the catalysts for his moral reflection.
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- Instituto Teológico de Murcia OFM
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- Instituto Teológico de Murcia OFM
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