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Archive of Published Issues: 2022

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Journal URL https://revistacarthaginensia.com/CARTHAGINENSIA
Title Carthaginensia
Publisher Instituto Teológico de Murcia OFM
Description CARTHAGINENSIA was founded in 1985 as an organ of cultural and scientific expression of the Theological Institute of Murcia O.F.M., a Center attached to the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical University Antonianum (Rome). The content of the Journal covers the various areas of knowledge taught at this Center: Theology, Philosophy, Ecclesiastical and Franciscan History of Spain and America, Franciscanism, humanism and Christian thought, and current issues in the field of ecumenism, ethics, morals, law, anthropology, etc.
ISSN 2605-3012
Language(s) Español (España) (es_ES)
English (en_US)
Publisher Email carthaginensia@itmfranciscano.org

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Rights This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

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