Proceso de arbitraje

Process of reception, arbitration and publication

The author must send the article directly through the author section of the Carthaginensia website, complying with the requirements expressed therein for submitting an article and using the model for writing articles provided by the journal:
The author agrees to submit an unpublished and original article.
Once received, it will be submitted to two referees or academic peers who will issue their concept in a format that establishes the evaluation criteria. The author of the article will be informed in due time. In case of disparity of criteria of the referees, the possibility of sending the article to a third referee for a final opinion will be considered and the Editor will make the decision on publication. Double-blind" arbitration will be carried out, in which the author will not know the name of the referees, nor will the referee know the name of the author of the article he/she is evaluating. The dates of receipt and refereeing will appear at the beginning of each article. Once the process is completed, the Editor/Director makes the final publication decision.
The refereeing procedure uses external evaluators who are experts in their areas of knowledge.

Once accepted, the article will be reviewed for style, editing and publication.
Once the refereeing process is completed, the author will be informed of the acceptance or rejection of the article.

Interesting information: in the last 4 issues (75-78) there has been a rejection rate of 20%. A total of 48 articles have been published and 14 have been rejected using the double-blind peer review system.